Newark Airport Question International Flight?
We have 1 3/4 hrs between flights and have to go from terminal C to B. How easy is it to get to B from C. Will it take long? What's the outgoing customs process and how long will it take? Thanks
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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1 :
There's no "outcoming" process. You should have enough time.
2 :
At Newark you will need to take a monorail between terminals and go through security at the new terminal. You should have sufficient time for this. If you are a US citizen, there are no formalities at all on leaving the airport. If you are from abroad, you will need to check in at a "Visit USA" machine to get documentation to leave. This usually takes just a few seconds, but sometimes there can be a line. Everyone, regardless of citizenship, will also need to have their passport checked at the gate before being allowed to board the plane. If your return flight is also through Newark, 1 3/4 hours is a bit tight to go through U.S. customs and immigration and make a connection, but it should be possible. If your incoming flight is in any way delayed, though, you could have a problem.